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The applicants do not have to be residents of Michigan, but the fee is $10 more for non-residents.

Residents need to apply for their marriage license in the county in which one of them lives. Non-residents need to apply for their marriage license in the county where they plan on getting married.

If previously married, the applicant needs to know the date and how the last marriage ended. If it was within the last 6 months, the applicant will need to bring proof of the divorce.

Picture ID such as Drivers License is necessary. The applicant must also have a certified copy of the birth certificates.

The applicant will also need to know the parents addresses, and the mothers’ maiden names.

There is no Covenant Marriage Option. There is a three (3) day waiting period in Michigan.  The waiting period may be waived by the county clerk for “good and sufficient cause shown.”

$20 is the fee if the applicant is a resident of Michigan. $30 is the fee for non-residents. Requirements and fees may vary as each county in Michigan could have their own requirements. There are no other tests.

Proxy marriages and cousin marriages are not allowed. Common Law Marriages are not allowed unless entered into the relationship prior to January 1, 1957. Same Sex Marriages are allowed.

If the applicants are 16 or 17 years old, they can get married with parental consent.  If the applicants are 15 or the younger, the applicant will need both parental consent and the approval of the probate court.

Marriages may be performed by federal, probate, district, and municipal judges, and district court magistrates; mayors; County clerks; ministers and pastors of the gospel, both resident and non-resident.

License is valid for thirty (30) days.

Inside Michigan